Sunday 17 May 2015

Raspberry Jelly cakes aka Raspberry lamingtons

Raspberry Jelly cake

I have always always trusted Australian Women`s weekly recipe.
I have many of their cookbooks and it is always a delight to bake one of their original recipes.
This Raspberry jelly cake is from their cookbook, instead of strawberry jelly, I used raspberry jelly for that bright pink lamingtons.

Lamingtons are easy to bake . They are so nice to look at. For me it embodies, everything nice and frilly and girly.

The recipe is from the book `Cakes`from Australian Womens Weekly cook books.

Whatcha need are :
150 gm sugar
6 eggs
125 g cake flour
50 g cornflour
one and a half teaspoon baking powder
 1 packet raspberry jelly crystals
2 cups dessicated coconut

Preheat to 180 degrees Celsius.
Beat eggs and sugar till light and thick.
Sift the flours and baking powder. Fold into the egg.
Grease and line a lamington pan.
Pour batter into the pan and bake for 30 minutes.
Invert into a lined wire rack and trim all sides.
Ciit into cubes.

Prepare Jelly as per packet instructions.
Dip the cubes in Jelly and roll on Dessicated coconut.  Chill and serve.

This quantity makes about 20 lamingtons.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Coconut cookies

Coconut Cookies

The buttery crumbs that melt in the mouth.
That nutty flavour of Coconut bringing memories of my home town.
This is what the Coconut cookies evoke in me.

Though everyone in the family loves cookies, I don't make them often. Because it needs some time to make cookies. I dont mean the preparation time, but the baking time is a bit long since I need to bake the cookies in batches. So after a couple of batches, I tend to get bored.

To make 30 to 35 cookies, we need,

cake flour  450 ml
cornflour  75 ml
powdered sugar 125 ml
softened butter  250 g
dessicated coconut  250 ml
jam and almond slivers- optional

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
Sift cake flour and corn flour together. Combine with the sugar. Add softened butter and knead gently to form a soft dough. Gather to a ball and refrigerate for one hour.
After an hour, form small balls and roll them on the dessicated coconut. If using jam, make a small thumb impression on the top and drop jam. or place an almond sliver on the top.
Keep on a tray allowing space for expansion. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until lightly browned.
Store in airtight containers when completely cooled.
