Sunday 18 August 2013

Garlic bread rolls
Say garlic bread and my son rushes in to finish it, be it morning, noon or night. He loves garlic bread so much that I bake garlic bread of all shapes and sizes to satisfy him. Well, may be not just for him. Baking bread is as much a passion to me as baking a cake.
There was a time not long ago, that I try to bake bread and ends up disappointed. I will sweat myself out, kneading the dough to satiny soft finish, but will invariably end up in a loaf as heavy as a brick. I was convinced that the bread never comes out soft due to lack to machinery. So with the meagre income I had at the time, I bought a hand mixer with a dough hook and straight away proceeded to knead the dough. To my horror, I watch the hook go still, because a long , unending strand of dough, somehow managed to enter the machine through the space between the hook and the body !! I tried to remove as much dough as possible, but the mixer wouldn't turn on again. I couldn't afford to buy another mixer at that time, so I sadly said good bye to bread baking.
Later I bought the classic bread book by Bernard Clayton and didn't put the book down for days, Though I don't fancy reading cook books without colour photos, I loved this book and till today is my Bible. The same problem followed me here also. Though I had an excellent kitchen processor by now, I was so scared to try the kneading hook !! Instead I started banging the dough with a roller pin. And to my surprise, I got the softest breads ever !!
I use my roller pin on a everyday basis now, because I bake my own bread . It gives me immense satisfaction every time I break a piece of my bread.

Garlic bread rolls

Warm milk - half a cup
yeast - 1 teaspoon
sugar - 1 teaspoon
beaten egg - 1
softened butter - 2 teaspoons
salt - quarter teaspoon
white flour - 1 to one and a half cups
whole meal flour - half a cup

Dissolve the yeast in the warm milk and add sugar. Keep it aside till frothy.
Sift one cup of white flour and the whole meal flour together into a bowl. Replace the husks into the sifted flour.
make a well in the center an add the yeast-milk mixture, one teaspoon of butter and half the beaten egg. Using a spatula, gather the ingredients  till it comes together. Add more milk or flour if needed. Transfer to a floured surface and knead till soft ( I use the rolling pin to beat the hell out of the dough !! ).
Keep the dough in a lightly greased bowl , cover with cling wrap and keep in a warm place till doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
Punch down the dough, knead again and roll into a rectangle. Starting from the long side, roll the rectangle to form a cylinder. Then cut the roll, as shown in the photo.

Place the cut pieces on a lightly greased tray. Push the middle of each piece with your finger tip, so that the sides, kind out bulges out. Cover with a moist kitchen towel and keep it aside to rise for about 20 minutes.
Bake in the oven till golden brown. ( about 20 to 30 minutes).
I promise you, you will bake these often.

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