Monday 19 August 2013

Spiral Apple Bread

Today I wanted to bake a slightly sweet bread, since I baked the garlic bread rolls yesterday. I had some apples and thought of baking this awesome looking apple bread. You all know that apples go well cinnamon, so I used cinnamon sugar to spice up my bread. Next time, I will try cardamom powder instead of cinnamon, I know from my past experience with cardamom flavored apple pie, that cardamom is an excellent companion to apples, but I am not sure if it will go with the yeasty bread. Any way I have already made up my mind to try for once.
This bread filled my house with the most delicious aroma while it was baking in the oven.. The aroma was so intense that I couldn't wait to try it.But when I took the bread out of the oven, it was so stunning that I didn't want to cut it and spoil the look !!! I used red delicious apple, so it was still crunchy when we tasted the bread. Maybe Granny Smith might have been a better choice .

So here is the recipe.
Flour - 2 to 2 and a half cups
softened butter - 1 teaspoon
yeast - 1 teaspoon
sugar - 1 teaspoon
warm milk- half a cup
salt - half teaspoon
apple - 1
Egg, beaten - 1
1 table spoon sugar mixed with half a teaspoon cinnamon powder
Dissolve yeast in warm milk and add sugar. Keep it aside till frothy.
Rub the butter into the flour in a bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the milk-yeast mixture and half the beaten egg. Reserve the remaining egg.
Using a spatula, gather the flour till it comes together. Dust a work surface with flour and transfer the flour to the surface.
Knead the dough till soft and smooth. Keep in a lightly greased bowl, cover with cling wrap and leave in a warm place till doubled.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Punch back the dough and knead for a minute. Divide into two and roll each half into a thin circle. cut the circle into 3 cm wide strips.
Slice the apples and mix with the cinnamon sugar.
Take a strip of dough, place a slice of apple and roll it.. Place the roll in the middle of a lightly greased pie dish. Continue using up the strips by arranging them around the first spiral, with slices of apple between the strips.
Once all the strips are used up, brush with the remaining beaten egg and bake for 20 to 30 minutes, checking in between, till golden brown.

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